I promised some random thoughts,
so let's be random about it.
new urbanist
science fiction
A brave new
world. Or, low-energy,
but high-tech.
A world whose primary
difference from ours
is not technical advance
but a determination
to be different
The future is a place in which
it's hard to tell stories.
Too many problems have been solved
for an interesting problem to fall
within the grasp of individual heroes.
Even the old reliables of adventure
fiction "chasing after the macguffin"
is often derailed by ease of communication.
Why not get on the cell phone
and call for help?
And what *is* the macguffin?
A microdot? Oh, *please*...
just send it over the network
But maybe: a future in which we
can tell stories would be a future
in which we'd like to live.
Much interesting SF could be
written working with a
hypothetical social change as (Though the distinction
primary premise. between "social" and
"technical" isn't always
In conversation with
the Toadkeeper in
the mid-1970s: TOADKEEPER
Doom: "What would the horror fiction of the
future look like? It's easy to
imagine the residents of Asimov's
_Caves of Steel_ telling stories about
strange monsters outside the walls of
the city, but that's just present-day
phobias transported to another
setting. The question is can you come
up with a phobia that that doesn't yet
Toadkeeper: (pause) "Fear of not being watched."
What if, in a panic, congress
decided to outlaw _______.
What if a small, typically ignored
country in an odd corner of the world
invented a new type of radically In Africa,
different business organization that, Central Asia,
though technically illegal in much of South America...?
the civilized world, became wildly
What if a new fad developed for __________.
What if they all woke up?