April 6, 2007
"Larry has turned what was
a gentleman's war into
guerilla tactics. He
consistently and cleverly
(I never said he wasn't BLADES_OF_PERL
brilliant) slanders other
languages and language
communities, and
encourages this behavior [ref]
in his lieutenants."
-- Steve Yegge
Where does Steve Yegge get the notion that
there's *any* sort of "gentleman's agreement"
about pissing on the other guy's language?
When I got started in
this game, "structured
programming" was going
to save the world, and
Edsger Dijkstra was Perhaps, like most
making pronouncements "gentlemen's"
about how a generation rules, it's only From wikiquotes:
of programmers had had intended to protect
their brains you if you're a "... the teaching of
irreparably damaged by member of the club. BASIC should be rated
programming in "Basic". as a criminal offence:
it mutilates the mind
The word in those days is beyond recovery."
we were supposed to give up
on *ugly* languages like Edsger W. Dijkstra,
Fortran and switch to Pascal. "The threats to computing
science", [ref]
Imagine my surprise that
Pascal was one of the worse
languages ever invented. Pascal liked to
pretend that there Pascal used the first
was no outside world: byte of a string to
I've long since gotten input and output had store the length of
over the notion that to be handled by non- the string: Strings
there's some sort of standard extensions. that max out at 255
magic syntax out there Doing anything useful characters.
that will allow bug free, (e.g. renaming a
easily maintainable code file) required using Useful, that.
to flow from my OS calls directly.
fingertips like bullshit
from the white house. In contrast,
perl was
designed to
give you
full access
to the unix
faking a unix
when there
wasn't one