December 6, 2016

Well, I can understand why people would want something to
talk about besides the ongoing Trumpocalypse, and as usual
everyone seems to enjoy having a nice Group Sad about Tragic
Events, but the sheer scale of the news coverage of the fire
at "Ghost Ship" is starting to drive me up the wall.

You know what the result of all this is going to
be?  Massive, nation-wide, fire-department crack         If only people would
downs on every underground arts/performance space        act this way after a
throughout the country.                                  big highway accident,
                                                         we would be well on
It is of course, sheer coincidence that                  our way to banning
shutting these places down and chasing                   cars by now...
the freaks away is aiding the process of
gentrification. Making once vibrant
cities as boring as possible is of course
a small price for us to pay for Safety.

      By the way, to all of my fellow-freaks
      who I annoyed back when I was helping to
      manage events at Cellspace: do you get        In particular, to that
      why I was wigging out whenever you got        guy who insisted on doing
      any where near obstructing a fire exit?       his propane art workshop
                                                    right in the middle of
                                                    the rear fire exit
         If you want to live life on                corridor: fuck you.
         the edge, that's fine, but
         try not to get anyone else
         killed in the process.
