July 6, 2013
Walking through downtown Walking through Pacific
Oakland on a weekend night, Heights on a weekend
it often seems like a ghost afternoon, it often seems
town-- I get the sense that like a ghost town-- there
even the people who live are some very impressive
around there like to go mansions up there, but you
elsewhere. There's a don't see any activity in
temptation to run off to the neighborhood. The
San Francisco every suspicion is that these are
weekend, because there's so all "second homes" of the
much action over there. super-rich, and they're not
really used very often.
There are two kinds of ghost towns...
A comment at Krugman's blog,
on July 6, 2013 by a "jonrysh"
of Oakland, CA:
"The larger a house or office,
the less likely its occupant
is to be in it."