November 30, 2017
"Machines of Loving Grace" (2013)
by John Markoff The title is from a phrase
by Richard Brautigan:
This is a good (but not "... and all watched over by
great) book on some machines of loving grace."
interesting subjects: Markoff
spins the history of This works better for
computers as a duel between AI than IA.
the visions of "artificial
intelligence" and
"intelligence augmentation", The writing for this book had many
exemplified by John McCarthy low-level problems that seem peculiar
and Douglas Englebart. for a pro like Markoff-- I think he's
been relying (unconsciously?) on the
ENGLEBART NYT copy editing staff. Even worse
though is an inconsistency in tone and
JMC perhaps a weakness in overall vision.
Is Markoff reporting on events,
Though actually, Markoff celebrating developments, or arguing
quite aptly subdivides the for an approach to the field...?
"artificial intelligence"
side into two approaches: There's too much Wired-magazine
bizporn, and too much gosh-wow about
McCarthy had always favored things I was never much interested in
an algorithmic approach and am already tired of hearing
toward understanding the about (robot cars! Siri!).
basis of intelligence.
There's another approach
toward AI that involves an
adaptive learning We have reliable handwriting and speech
approach-- and that's recognition now-- and that's something I
actually the kind of AI we was skeptical we'd ever see (back in the
see working in the modern 80's we were still having trouble with
world. optical character recognition of type-
written text)-- but we don't actually know
Markoff wants to tell a how any of this works.
story of augmented
intelligence winning These developments are both amazing and
early on, and artifical underwhelming, because there's no real
intelligence winning breakthrough in understanding that
now, but then McCarthy underlies them. We owe our generation's
doesn't work as an great triumphs of software to the
icon: hardware engineers.
McCarthy lost twice. There's a Noam Chomsky interview
available online, conducted at a
Three times if you Boston-area branch of Google: when
count the micro/mainframe asked about current trends in
war-- McCarthy initially linguistics, Chomsky commented that
turned up his nose at there was a peculiar phenomena now
PCs, favoring the where if some researchers got some
multi-user shared code working to predict a linguistic
resource approach pattern, they would act like they'd
discovered something, but since they
(Which he invented, by don't really know how the code made
the way-- circa 1980, the prediction, the success can't act
the young turks were to confirm any underlying theory,
having trouble because there is no underlying
believing that JMC had theory.
come up with something
as fundamental as the
idea for time-sharing,
but he really did There was an issue of the AAAS
write the first paper "Science" a few years back,
about it.) which talked about a new field
of research: trying to scrape
some understanding out of a
"neutral net" once you got it
trained up and working...
Perhaps notably, I haven't heard
of any results from that approach
since then.