November 8, 2004
It used to seem tremendously September 26, 2013
limiting to me that Halloween
costumes were supposed to be (Originally
recognizable. I used to just to alt.gothic)
go for effects that I thought
were interesting.
Like: Let's see, I'll lace up some
of this black vinyl as a top, wear More specifically, (1) take
those tights, and cover all exposed sheet of vinyl fabric, cut
flesh with green make-up. a hole for head, with v-neck
(2) throw it over your shoulders
Then I got people staring at me (3) pierce the sides so that
curiously all night long going it can be laced up and cinched
"The Jolly Green Giant?". tight.
Wearing wrap-around
dark shades? I remember thinking through
the color scheme, laboriously:
Some people. black was a given in the
mid-80s, with orange was
too trite for halloween,
with red had been new waved
to death... but green? Yes,
I now regard the "cover yourself with body
paint" idea as a rookie. It seems like a
nice idea, before you realize how hard it
is to get an even application of the goop;
and then you have to struggle to keep the
goop from getting messed up and getting all
over the furniture. I imagine that there's
higher quality goop out there these days--
cock-sucking body paint?-- but even so
it's more hassle than it's worth.
But notably a lot of burning
man-oriented costumery is like this...
supersnail has done some
really good photography
of things in this direction:
I have a similar feeling about masks:
they seem neat at first, then you
realize how much trouble they can be,
and ultimately how isolating they are.
Maybe the question is "Are you 'dressing-up'
like something else, or are you dressing to
reveal a higher/inner/alternate self?"