May-July 2020
I find that "The Planet of the HUMAN_PLANET
Humans" movie movie is a grimly
amusing phenomena: it's by a https://planetofthehumans.com/
classic anti-technology
environmentalist who's shocked
to discovery that "renewables" (Their name for the devil is not
are not magicial, but are "technology" though, but rather
actually just more examples of "industrial civilization". I've run
industrial technology. into this in another place recently
as well: maybe "industrial" is the
I sometimes make a case *like* new sneer word in some circles.)
this myself, though *much* less
strongly: I do suspect the
claims made for solar and wind
technology have been
exaggerated-- and still *are*
being exaggerated, even today
when these technologies are But myself, when I point
doing better than I would've out solar and wind have
expected. And nuclear power flaws, I don't take that
remains an excellent candidate as a reason to abandon
to generate large quantities of them-- I just want people
clean power. to think more about how
we evaluate technologies.
So what's funny about Jeff Gibbs' "Planet of
the Humans" is that I'm used to having to
argue *against* people like this-- The "oh my
god not perfect!" line is trotted out against
nuclear power all the time, and patiently
crunching through the reasons the issues are
manageable is never going to convince someone
who is deeply, emotionally committed to the
idea that it's just got to be perfect.
Jeff Gibbs complains
Here, Jeff Gibbs is going after the "renewables the greens are
gang", but doing it in such a way that it provokes sucking up to big
me to step up and help defend them. donations and
investors in "green
But then the renewables gang was so outraged at technology".
some high profile lefties daring to attack their Corrupted by money!
true faith that they've responded in a remarkably
nasty fashion, cranking out hit pieces rapid-fire... The left responds
and demanding that the offending documentary be that Jeff Gibbs
banned and removed from youtube. sounds just like
a shill for the oil
Then there's the various other factions stepping industry! And all
up to defend "Planet of the Humans"-- it's of those activists
very popular with some conservatives who are he interviewed are...
over-joyed to watch different "environmentalist" *white*!
factions sparring with each other.
The right is overjoyed
I turned up some commentary by a young to see a lefty calling
pro-technology guy (Alex Epstein) who out the "renewable
objects to the film's underlying energy scam"-- but is
anti-industrial technology premise-- dismissive of the
and *he* leaves me wanting to make the main thrust of Jeff
point modern industrial civilization Gibbs' argument.
*does* have some problems, and doesn't
deserve uncritical worship...
All of this leaves me muttering under
my breath "is everyone's brains broken?".
Pretty often these days, I'm struck by
how the world is engaging in
ridiculously extreme parodies of itself:
"You couldn't put this is an satirical MILK_FLOAT
novel, it would seem too heavy-handed."
Bonfire of the Inanities