June 19, 2000

Just saw the movie "Groove" (2000)
and I gotta say I think it was a
mixed bag.

It trys hard to be PLURically
correct, but basically it acts
like an ad for drugs: you got a
lot of folks on screen here who       Note: If you're going to play
seem like mediocre soap opera         someone on MDMA or LSD, try
actors who are pretending to be       not to act like someone on
ravers, acting "high".                heroin or alcohol.

They do make it a point to
distinguish between good      (I tend to think the real distinction is
drugs and bad drugs,          between not-as-bad-as-they-say-but-still-bad
                              drugs and seriously bad drugs).
  (And some people
  complain about it's                        DRUGS
  "anti-drug" subtext...

There is some good stuff, though:
I actually thought the budding
romance between the party girl
from New York (Leyla) and the
technical writer from East
Lansing kind of worked.

You could argue that this is a
drug romance that's going to
evaporate when the drugs wear
off, but I liked the idea that
they both have something to
learn from each other... she
needs some of his dicipline,
and he needs to hang a little

The were some attempts at showing a
"dark side" that weren't too bad.
Like, the slimey massage dude, who
later plays head games with a guy
by making out with him while he's
under the influence.  And there's the
chronic abuser in the basement that
they have to watch all the time to
make sure he won't die on them.

They neglected to put a lot of
emphasis on what I would call the
*real* dark side of raves, which
would be the casual self-centered
stupidity of at least two thirds            A friend of mine once
of the partiers:                            organized a break-in rave
                                            a some random warehouse.
After the rave, they show one               He decided it to shut it
or two little pieces of trash               down himself because the
left on the floor.  They did                people were just too
*not* show the organizers spend             un-cool -- they were
an hour picking up trash, and               opening boxes, messing
that's what you'd have to do to             with the stuff stashed in
get it into that condition, after           the warehouse...
a bunch of ravers have left behind
their mountains of refuse.                     Borrowing a space without
                                               shitting in it is totally
They didn't seem to have any                   beyond them.
problem with people hanging
out outside yakking with
each other...  (this
attracts police instantly:
the *one* cop they had to
con is grossly improbable in
SF -- try imagining a riot
squad materializing before
the first record spins.)

They didn't seem to have *parking*
problems... ravers are nearly all
car people, and if you have a rave
with 500 people, you can count on
having 400 cars parked out front.
This, more than anything else
is what makes it impossible to do
a discrete, illegal rave.

Other complaints:

Two violations of the "rules" of raving:

  people popping drugs at the rave
  people selling drugs in the alley outside

Both of these are things that
endanger the event...  The
word I get is that you should
buy elsewhere, and take
whatever you're going to take
before you get there.

They give you the impression that
every single person in the place is on       I mentioned this to someone
drugs.  When I was going to these            who had seen the script (he
things, I would guess that it was more       actually did a small cameo)
like 30% of the people were doing drugs      and he pointed out that Leyla
(certainly I wasn't, certainly I knew        isn't supposed to be on drugs.
other people who weren't, and I could
tell that a lot of the people I didn't           It's true we don't
know were very paranoid about getting            see her taking any.
dosed unintentionally... ).
                                                 I just thought she was
    VISION                                       an experienced partier
                                                 who just doesn't show it
                                                 when she's high.

                                 Which illustrates the problem
                                 that it's really hard to
                                 estimate the percentage of
                                 folks on drugs, because
     Still another               despite the various cinematic
     complaint: a rave           cliches, it isn't usually that
     for $2?  A promoter         easy to tell if someone is on       (You can
     that's not making           psychedlics just by looking at      look at
     any money at it? A          them.                               iris size,
     lot of ravers                                                   but it's
     complain if you             It could be that this               not so
     charge *less* than          percentage has gone up a lot        obvious
     $20... a high               since the mid-90s.  One of the      in a dark
     ticket price keeps          reasons I got tired of raves        room.)
     things nice and             is that it seemed like they
     upper-middle class.         were getting more drug
     It screens out the          obsessed.
     "bad element".

                                            I blame the media:
                                            alarmist stories
                                            about people doing
                                            drugs have a way
                                            of creating the
                                            problem they're
                                            warning about.

             Department of missed tricks: They do
             this Star-is-Born thing: the young
             DJ from Fresno gets to play a slot
             in prime time.  They do a big build
             up on the tension of the moment.
             The camera is trying to get inside
             his point of view, showing his
             insecurity about trying to get that
             first record to work.  The
             soundtrack, however, is completely
             *outside* of his point of view.
             That was the moment when we
             should've heard the world through
             his headphones, as he tried to get
             the clashing beats to mesh together,
             and get the timing right to bring up
             his track...

Oh, and by the way:

Gay couples as comic figures is a
cliche which is rapidly growing old.

And the only other "gay" figure is
the evil, bisexual, predatory fellow
who interferes with the course of
true love.

Let us think about this for 2
seconds... and then wonder why
people making movies have trouble
thinking clearly for this long.

         I guess they were figuring
         that the "gay couple"
         played for laughs were
         supposed to be positive,
         sympathetic characters,
         to balance out the predator.

            And it is true that
            they've got a happy
            ending, dancing together
            by the ocean cliffs at
