March 30, 2021
The movie Gundam Narrative from 2018
finally abandons the pretense that this Within the story, there's a
space opera is some form of "science particular mecha that's
fiction": it indulges in romantic called "Narrative", what
spiritualist notions about the that's really supposed to
persistance of the soul after death. mean isn't at all clear
The NewTypes of the Gundam universe (What is the
then don't just have faster reflexes Narrative drive?)
and some strong intuition/precognition
ability, they are influenced by the
spirits of the dead. The idea that fighter space
craft need *human beings*
inside them as control systems,
NEWTYPE and that an actual futuristic
space battle would be anything
Then there's a technology they call but an automated spasm that
"the psycho frame" that has something would occur in an eye-blink
to do with mental control of machinery has always seemed crazy.
but has some sort of side-effect
involving access to the Other World-- You might cut the original
like, if you die in a "psycho frame" Gundam some slack on this
your spirit may move into the tech? front, though: it appeared
in a world where computer
There's a bunch of stuff about a electonics were still only
dead girl named Rita who keeps beginning to minaturize.
appearing in magical mecha form
with a spiritual glow around A running joke had the hero
her-- she speaks to those that can flipping through a large manual
here in an innocent echoing little *printed on paper* while trying
girl voice, expressing belief in to learn to pilot the gear.
The Soul and reincarnation.
Pondering the ghost of gundams Real Gundam nerds
past, I wonder about it's memorize the look
enduring appeal-- what does of the various
this say, where is this going? forms of mecha the
franchise has
They may even know
what the iconic
v-shaped forehead
antennas are
supposed to do.