December 06, 2018
I gather that Levi Bryant got the
flat objects of OOO rolling back in
2011 with his book "A Democracy of
Objects" but since then I think he's
moved on to other (and one hopes, Checking with Uncle Wikipedia, I
saner) pastures, leaving the field to think that was a forlorn hope:
the likes of Graham Harman, whose
publicity photo up on his wikipedia "Later Bryant, concerned with the
page shows him posing with a lolipop doctrine of withdrawal and the
and smirking at his cleverness. non-relationism of object-oriented
philosophy, departed from the
(A dorkosity alert is in effect. object-oriented ontology movement
Please proceed to the nearest exit.) and developed a machine-oriented
ontology that argues being is
composed entirely of machines or
Harman has a new book out, titled
"Object-Oriented Ontology: A New
Theory of Everything".
This is a *new* theory!
Totally *neeEEw*.
Though in the introduction he immediately
backs off from the idea that it's actually
new, which is no doubt why he chose to
emphasize the point in the title.
But then, as Harman
As I think Wittgenstein put it, comments in an interview:
about that which we cannot speak,
we must write PhD theses, and "In 1998 I began to read Bruno
somehow Graham Harman has me Latour, and the next year I
contemplating the unspeakable. corresponded with him and
finally met him, near
Perhaps it's the fact that Harman London. His approach to objects
wrote a book on the philosophical further influenced my own
implications of H.P. Lovecraft-- developing theory, and his
See, Lovecraft wrote about some witty, irreverent tone
stuff beyond human comprehension, certainly soaked into my own
and Harman wants to argue that voice as a writer."
everything is beyond human
comprehension. It's a natural fit. Perhaps I just [link]
don't get the joke.
One might wonder about Harman's
comprehension, but a snide
cheapshot like that would be
beneath the dignity of any
serious author except me.
But remember the oath:
First, do no Harman.