January 15, 2009
Quoting from
"Greenwich Village" (1917)
by Anna Alice Chapin,
Anna Alice Chapin, writing in 1917:
"Yet, after all, it isn't the food and
drink, nor yet the unusual
surroundings, that bring you back to DUSTY_MYSTERY
these places. It's the--well, one has
to use, once in a while, the
hard-worked and generally
inappropriate word 'atmosphere.' Like
'temperament' and 'individuality' and
the rest of the writer-folk's old She also makes an odd analogy:
reliables, 'atmosphere' is too often
only a makeshift, a lazy way of "Dick says in 'The Light That
expressing something you won't take Failed' that an old device for
the trouble to define more expressively." an unskilful artist is to
stick a superfluous bunch of
"But this is a fact just the flowers somewhere in a picture
same. Nearly all the Greenwich where it will cover up bad
Village places really have drawing."
atmosphere. You can be cynical about
it, or frown at it, or do anything I can't imagine why you
you like about it, but it's there, wouldn't consider that
and it's the real thing. It's an a valid technique...
absolute essence and ether which you if you do it right, the
feel intensely and breathe flowers retroactively
necessarily, but which no one can put become an integral part
quite definitely into the concrete of the overall design.
form of words. I have heard of liquid
or solidified air, but that's a The jazz musician
scientific experiment, and who wants repeats a mistake
to try scientific experiments on the to make it part of
Village which we all love?" piece.