November 17, 2016
February 16, 2016
I tuned in to KALX on Wednesday,
November 9th. They were playing a
mix of things like "Springtime for
Hitler" from the Producers, and the
X song "I must not think bad thoughts".
This is (what I think) happened:
My theory is that many
people filed "protest
votes" in the expectation "Exit polls showed that most voters
that he would not win: the felt that Trump lacked the temperament
media had told them that to be President, and that Clinton was
polls showed it wasn't seen as more qualified."
going to happen, so they
felt they could thumb http://election.princeton.edu/2016/11/09/aftermath/
their nose safely.
"According to Gallup, 55
I cast no aspersions here: I've percent of Americans say
done similar mental calculations: they have an unfavorable
"I'd rather see that side win, opinion ... This is almost
but not by a landslide." 20 points higher than the
unfavorable rating of any
other president-elect ..."
And how we got into this: http://heavy.com/news/2016/11/donald-trump-approval-rating-today-now-after-post-election-presidential-favorable-unfavorable-favorability-compared-to-obama-bush-clinton/
both major parties
nominated remarkably
unpopular candidates with
polls showing terrible
approval ratings. This
is an unprecedented, and
as it turns out, very
unstable situation--
So that led to lack of
enthusiasm, low turnout, and,
I think, capricious voting.
Upsets by tiny
margins in *multiple*
states (1% in Florida These wins are by such
and the 3 rust belt tiny margins that any
states) turned into number of different
an "electoral vote" factors could be blamed
win, despite losing for them:
the popular vote.
o the Republican
And how we got into voter suppression
*that*: my reading of efforts,
the mood of the
electorate is that o the third party
this was a "throw the candidates,
bums out" year, and
the GOP went with an o the GOP sympathizer (And thanks go to
anti-bum bum, but the in charge of the FBI... Obama for that FBI
Dems declined the appointment. How
opportunity, and went o or for that reasonable and
establishment. matter some form bipartisian of you.)
of electronic
They went through some voter fraud.
interesting mental
gyrations to convince So we're all free to
themselves that Hillary pick the excuse that
was the *safe* choice, minimizes the need to
despite many indications change our opinions.
otherwise. RIGHT_ALL_ALONG
That guy Bernie was
pretty weird, who
knows what would One thing about boomers
happen with him? that I do not love:
boomers are scared of
But, when "revolution".
the going