June 1, 2010
And old saying with me, at this point:
"Human beings are more alike The other half being:
than they are different--"
"-- but that doesn't make
The difference between me and the the ways in which they're
"failed" human beings-- the ones different any less important."
who I often feel contempt for--
is clearly not a huge gulf:
As with most rancorous wars,
the similarities between the
sides is often striking.
Everything I see in the other side, Or "the other sides?"
I can see traces of on my own.
I originally wrote this with
Out of control, the lowest of the low in mind
(for whom I sometimes use the
Out of touch with not-terribly-sensitive term,
the practicalities LESS "scumzoids"), but you can make
of existance. a similar list, albeit with
different failings, of the 1%, SCUMZOIDS
Procrastination. the masters of the universe,
but jack of no trade.
bordering on Krugman has started calling
incompetence. them the "self-important"
rather than the important.
Their weaknesses have
elements about them of The rich are different
my own weaknesses. from you and I, they're
even more delusional.
There but for the grace?
But for luck?
For the determination to be different,
The unwillingness to give up.