May 19, 2020
Jeff Gibbs, in the closing remarks of June 2, 2020
"Planet of the Humans", comments that
he truly believe change begins with
awarness, and continues: HUMAN_PLANET
"There is a way out of this. We humans (1:29:00)
must accept that infinite growth on a
finite planet is suicide. We must accept
that our human presence is already far
beyond sustainability and all that that
implies. We must take control of *our* No one expects infinite
environmental movement and our future from population growth (expected
billionaires and their permanent war on peak is 10 billion).
planet earth. They are not our friends.
Less must be the new more. And instead of Neither does anyone expect
climate change, we must at long last accept infinite energy growth---
that it's not the carbon dioxide molecule
destroying the planet-- It's us. It's not
one thing, but *everything* we humans are
doing. A human-caused apocalypse. If we "our human presence is
get ourselves under control. All things are already far beyond
possible. And if we don't..." sustainability" Jeff Gibbs
has not gotten anywhere
We cut to a scene backed with near establishing this
ominous music where tree point-- e.g. he takes it
dwelling apes/chimps are as a given that nuclear
displaced by brown-skinned power is bad.
guys running chain saws.
There's somber vocal wailing: "It's .. *everything* we
a habitat destroyed; a muddy humans are doing--"
chimp sick or dying. Everything? (The anti-
human slant always leaks
(This could use a jewish through from people like
guy dressed as a Native this...)
American shedding a tear.)
"If we get ourselves under
control--" So: What human
Intepreting murky generalities agency is going to be
like this can be tricky, and controlling humanity?
there's a tendency to read more (A mere detail, no doubt.)
into this than was intended...
It's pretty common to listen to all this
and conclude that the film-makers are
praying for a big human die-back-- or
perhaps they're volunteering to create
one. Or do they think fertility should
be forcibly constrained and if so, whose?
When challenged like this, the
film-makers respond that this isn't
where they were going. This leaves "No where in this film does the
me wondering if they really hadn't phrase 'population control'
thought through the implications of appear".
what they were saying.
So they're not advocates of
limiting human population?
But they *repeatedly*
complain about population
being too high.
From the Josh Wolf piece in "The
Nation", "Meet the New Flack for
Oil and Gas: Michael Moore":
"We see old white male after old
white male declaring there is no
solution to climate change except
reducing the population. (With this
many white guys, we can only guess
which groups of people are supposed
to stop reproducing.)"
That strikes me as more of a cheap shot
than an astute inference, but it's a point
the filmmakers might've thought to clarify,
instead of effectively going with the "just (I think it was literally
asking questions!" maneuver "opening a dialog" or
something like that).