Conservative whores and Liberal sluts.
((This is a rough version of something
written out better under under DAWKINS,
though it was later lost.))
Dawkins. Selfish gene "explanations"
for much of the "conservative whore"
stuff. Stategies for gene propagation
that include things like searching out
men most likely/capable to assist in
child-raising, and also an explanation
for attractiveness being attractive.
Thought: Liberal intolerance a
mechanism of meme propagation? A lot of conservatives
Like seeking like, rejecting would have you believe
dissent, an attempt at an that "intolerance" is
ideology spreading itself. more of a problem among
liberals than conservatives.
Conservatives=genetic determinists,
hence favor a genes eye view? I used to think so:
Liberals= environmental determinists, I'd often heard
hence more likely to think in terms of the line "I *hate*
spreading memes? Does that make any Republicans", but never
sense? Like, could a CW be influenced "I hate Democrats."
by the gene view without knowing much
about the logical structure, and a LS That is
similarly motivated based on a until
different world view, without Keith
understanding the world view? How Rabois But maybe
would these structures evolve. said it he doesn't
in the count?
(2/10... 93?)
But there are those
Alternately, you could postulate that Christian Fundy types
on some level they do understand what that the more
they're doing. intellectual neo-cons
might like to forget
A gene that seeks out other members Of course, I
containing the same gene? What purpose don't run into them
incest? much, in the circles
I frequent.
Possibly: incest as a superficially
appealing strategy, that produces only
short term success. Hence discreditied
in the longer term process of genetic OUTNICE
evolution, but still in play among some
younger ideologies in the arena of
Analogy to recessives, harmful memes
"bad ideas" may only prosper if
protected from debate, if kept out of
contact with hostile memes.
Hence bad ideas, will tend to be
associated with the intolerance meme.
(Look up studies of "group think"
in secrecy, e.g. Nixon's plumbers...)