July 13, 2021
It's an old bit among
science fiction writers:
I picked up on this
Okay, maybe you could predict the car, in my extensive reading
but could you predict the traffic jam? about the world of
Science Fiction circa
the mid-seventies, you
Landing on the moon was a could call it a
widely discussed possibility, challenge posed to
but the actual event turned out "futurists" in general.
to a widely shared collective
activity: it was broadcast live There's a good deal of
on television. waffling about whether SF
writers try to "predict the
The old vision of isolated future"-- they almost
explorers stiking out on their own invariably deny it, but when
was obviated by modern-- circa they get one right you
1969-- communications technology. definitely hear about it.
Imagining hand-held portable
communications devices was
pretty easy-- Chester Gould
had his cops running around
with "wrist radios" way back
Thinking about what it's like
when everybody has gadgets
like that, that's a trickier