July 12, 2011
Everything leaks.
All reeds are weak.
From these unreliable
components we must build. Networks are
stronger than
Freeman Dyson speaks favorably
of wikipedia... everyone complains Similar to things such as the
of it's unreliability and yet all scientific process, which is
use it. hardly infallible, but
extremely useful in any case.
"The New York Times": one of the
greatest newspapers in the world,
clearly we would be worse of
without it... and yet, just when
you begin to trust it you get
some yellow cake in the face.
Wikileaks, thumbs up or down?
thumbs up, at least provisionally: its
short term effects have been positive.
Do we want to rely on it-- or something
like it-- forever? Is it a key piece
of the infrastructure of the future
or just a hack that we need at present?