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                                       October 5, 2002 

                                  (People really ask me
                                   questions like this.
   "What is the                    Don't ask me why.)
    meaning of life?"

    Life is not a message.

         Life is a game board.
         Life is a blank canvas.

                    Life means            
                    whatever you     
                    make it mean.        

                                                     Whatever happened
        There is no                                  to existentialism, eh?
        mysterious creator                           The First Culture
        trying to communicate    GOD_OF_HELL         would be in much
        with you.  Life can                          better shape if they
        not "mean" anything.                         hadn't lost touch
                                                     with their
               But this is not a     
               point that depends                                      
               on atheism.                   Existentialism       (Had to 
                                             preceeds              think a 
               An alternate phrasing:        essentialism.         bit about 
                                                                   which of 
                 "You cannot                 Or something.         the "two 
                 fathom the mind                                   cultures" 
                 of god."                                          is No. 1 
                                                                   or No. 2.) 
                                                        I settled on calling 
                                                        the humanities the 
                                                        first culture, 
                                                        because that's 
                                                        historically correct, 
                                                        and they've got a big 
                                                        enough inferiority 
                                                        complex already. 
