February 17, 2007
Homer Evans, hero of a series
of books by Elliot Paul, is a
man with a routine.
His companion Miriam
awakens first, and begins Miriam is a stateusque
playing the piano. American blonde, who
doubles as a body guard:
Homer arises, and when she was pistol champion
he's ready, raises a flag of Montana.
on the pole outside the
window, a signal to the
barber down stairs that
he's ready to be shaved --
this takes place in Paris,
To quote:
Evans has come to the TAKEN_LIGHTLY
conclusion that striving
is futile, and prefers to He's supposed to be a cosmopolitan
take things easy -- most intellectual, a gastronomic expert,
of the time. a genius-level detective.
It's not clear what he He's inclined to lecture a bit, in a
does for money, it does discursive way, with a calm,
not appear that he has indolent, philosophical attitude.
any need to do anything...
During World War II he
did something-or-other
for military intelligence
(a popular occupation for E.g. Carr's
fictional detectives in Gideon Fell
There does not appear to be
anything that he isn't good at--
at one point he chose to do a
portrait painting to see if he
could, and succeeded superbly,
to the supreme annoyance of his ("The Mysterious Mickey Finn")
artist friends.
There are few subjects he doesn't
know thoroughly-- though one of the
stories involves Egyptology, and a
running joke throughout is that
Evans is mortified to realize he
doesn't know anything about it.
So, what we have here is
a point along a curve HIPSTERISM
between Philo Vance and
and Our Man Flint. His habitual indolence --
except when prodded by
events-- seems to put
him somewhere between the
British Gentleman and the
Lazy Beatnik.