November 14-21, 2006
I read the John le Carre novel
"The Little Drummer Girl"
shortly after it was published
in 1984 (a few years after
I'd graduated from college).
This is a tale of a young
woman recruited to act as
a spy on the Palestinians; A theme that le "The Honourable
they thought she was ideal Carre has returned Schoolboy"
for the undercover work, to several times is
because of her background the shapelessness of "A Perfect
as an actress with an human character -- Spy"
involvement in left-wing
political organizations This is a difficult
when she was in college. subject to write about in
an engaging way -- it
Along the way, le Carre undercuts the story form
talks a little about the at a fundamental level.
Israel-Palestine dispute,
and shows characters This novel is
from both sides in le Carre's most
action. succesful
effort at this.
This was actually the
first time that I The young woman
understood how Israel is turned against
was created: her former side
through a very
At the end of the second gradual, delicate
world war, after the process that's
Nazi holocaust, the UN fascinating to
set up a "Jewish Nation" watch.
as a refuge... And the
Palestinians were the A question
people who were actually though: could
living there at the time. it be that the
reason this
Nowhere in my schooling, novel "works"
nowhere in the American is that it's
media, had I stumbled the one with
across that simple point a female
of history. protagonist?
We heard "Palestinian" and Perhaps
"terrorist" paired together we don't
over and over again, without reject
ever getting a sense of the a drifting,
original cause of the fight. malleable
I talked with The character
Toadkeeper about this in the same
book, and he commented way we
"Can you believe I saw a would a
review of that book in male one.
the New York Times that
claimed it was a ROMANCE
pro-Palestine book?"
I responded:
"Oh yeah.
Sure it is."
He was disgusted: to him it
was a neutral presentation
of the issue -- "the reader
must decide, just as the
characters must decide"...
The thing is: I think
we were both right.
When everything you
hear is biased in
one direction, a
neutral viewpoint
is heard as a
contrary argument.
Maybe it's not possible
to be neutral in a NEUTRAL_ADVOCATE
partisan world.
At that point I remained
tentatively pro-Israel... As one of le Carre's characters
puts the question: Do you think
But I understood that Israel should be swept off into
this might have been an the sea?
artifact of the bias in
American culture. Well, no.