February 16, 2025

So, we officially rode in
the Year of the Snake at          After starting out in Japantown and
San Francisco's Lunar New         walking over, which it occurs to me
Year parade--                     was the route Patti Smith followed in
                                  her _The Year of the Monkey_.
I took a glance at the Parade
route, and wondered what the
scene was like over on the West
side of things-- I suggested we
try the short stretch of Post
street north of Union Square.

After some manuevering around we
found a corner curb we could            Post & Stockton
stand on with a group of shorter
people in front of us, and we
watched most of the parade from

   I liked the parade well enough, but it was
   oddly unimpressive much of the time.  Most
   of the snakes, lions and dragons the groups      There were some nice
   were manipulating had a lightly-decorated        floats of course,
   store bought look to them.  A lot of the         some with the traditional
   efforts had an under-funded look to them.        waving asian women in
                                                    gowns-- some of the more
   Where we were standing we could look up          interesting ones were
   Stockton toward the corner of Union Square       oddly lacking in riders...
   that was clearly the focus of everyone's         I'm guessing they didn't
   efforts-- the well-heeled paying customers       pass someone's heavy-handed
   seated on the side of the Square.                safety regulations...

   I suspect it was a minor tactical error for           One of the more impressive
   us-- we were right downstream of this area,           was a gigantic red      
   where everyone in the parade was still tired          shopping cart full of 
   from their main effort.                               human beings, with a 
                                                         classic hot-rod engine
   Then near the end of the parade, as we were           mounted low down below
   starting to walk west on Post getting ready           the basket.
   to leave, you could see where the money had               
   gone---                                                   A perfect execution
                                                             of a remarkably 
   There was a massive, insane professional fireworks        silly idea, reminscent
   show on the other side of the square, with                of Burning Man. 
   some of the most elaborate incendiaries I'd ever
   seen-- they weren't fired just straight up,
   they could go at criss-crossing angles,
   they were whipping some sort of howiztzer
   back and forth firing curtains of rockets
   in different directions while banks of flame
   throwers sent jets of flame ten feet up.

   Just by chance, we were standing in a perfect
   place to see this-- I doubt I would've *wanted*
   to be one of the paying customers sitting closer
   to it-- and the large orange and yellow finale
   dragon was marching along in front of us as the
   fireworks continued.

   If you were one of the mere hoi polloi trying to
   watch the parade from over in Chinatown, you
   might not even know this fireworks finale existed--
   it was there for the paying customers.

   We thought we could leave walking up Powell on the
   outside edge of the parade route: both Union Square and
   the bordering streets and sidewalks were closed off,
   with San Francisco police turning people back.
   We were lucky we were allowed on Post Street.                Welcome to the
                                                                New America.

               |   |                 |   |                 |   |
               |   |                 |   |                 |   |
      _________|   |_________________|   |_________________|   |______
          parade route --->       -----\  Geary St.    
      _________     _________________  |  _________________     ______
               |   |  paying         | V |                 |   |
               |   |    customers    |   |                 |   |
               |   |                 | P |                 |   |
               | S |    Union        | o |                 |   |
               | t |    Square       | w |                 |   |
               | o |                 | e |                 |   |
      _________| c |_________________| l |_________________|   |______
To     <===      k   <--- parade <---/ l   Post St.                    <== From
China _________  t  _________________     _________________     ______     Japan
Town           | o |                 |   |                 |   |           Town                                                                                                                                  
       Where   | n |                 |   |                 |   |
       we were
