November 28, 2006
American Conservatives have spent the Bush Junior
era talking as though they have some sort of
mandate, that the country is moving in their
direction, and Democrats should stop whining
about it and get out of the way, or some such.
There are a number of problems with this.
One is that even if you take the official
election results at face value, Bush has
not been winning an amazing percentage
of the popular vote. (He didn't have it And it is unfortunately
at all in 2000, and in 2004 he supposedly all-too-plausible that the
had a 5 point lead). official results may have
been wrong. Bush may not
have really won either
And further:
A poll of people who voted revealed that
Bush supporters don't really understand [ref]
what they're supporting.
For example, they have trouble believing
that their boy would be against the
Kyoto accord -- everyone's worried about
global warming aren't they? It's important
to do something about it, so Bush must be
doing something about it, right?
So, as far as the raging
conservatives go... they're
just outliers: fanatics that
are members of a faction And often, even the
that's succeeded in conning hardcore conservatives are
(perhaps hijacking) the people being conned by
electorate. cynical profiteers.
In a published memo, the
conservative lobbyist
Ambramoff talks about conning
the "wackos", and distracting
everyone else to get what
they want passed: