October 17, 2008
One of the virtues of Gerard Jones'
"Men of Tomorrow" (2004), is the corners
of history it digs into (page 53, hardback):
"... [McFadden] moved to New York in the 1890s to
found the first of his "physical culture"
clubs. ... He grew his hair long like Heracles'
and appeared in public in a leopard-skin
loin-cloth over his flesh-colored tights. In 1899
he launched _Physical Culture_ magazine to promote
his plan of diet, weight lifiting, and rational
living, and when no established distributor would
gamble on it, he used his network of physical
culture clubs and sanitariums to build a
distribution system of his own. Soon he was
penetrating drug stores, cigar stores, and other
small magazine venues in citites across America."
"In the name of honesty and health McFadden defied
the decorum of his day. He was convinced on an
obscenity charge for a frank discussion of
venereal disease in _Physical Culture_, then
pardoned by President Taft himself. He was
harassed by police and churches for the pageants
he organized to show off the bodies of his
disciples in swimsuits and tights."