September 17, 2013
Start with the hot,
current ideas, and
take them farther. Identify the popular
intellectual trends:
what if you went the Subsititute your
Choose a destination, other way? own mental habits
what kind of result for the current
would you like to trends, and repeat:
have: is it achievable? Farther ahead?
Turn back?
Presume that you're right Both?
about everything: then what? Time to stop babbling,
and take action.
What action?
Presume that you're wrong about
something: what might it be? Take action anyway:
but how will you
minimize the risk?
Think of what you're doing as
contained within something else: Think of what you're
doing as a replacement
www is inside net; for something else:
blogosphere is inside www;
____ is inside blogosphere; It's like wikipedia
except with ____
It's like usenet,
Think of what you're doing reimplemented in
Think of what as a wrapper around javascript.
you're doing something that exists:
as in opposition
to something E.g. the genre of software
else: to post to multiple "social
media" sites simultaneously.