Computers and the military
Computers have clearly had an This discussion was all inspired
effect on modern warfare, but by a section of a book by Jerry
I don't entirely understand Mander called "In The Absence Of
the sense of alarm that Mander The Sacred: The Failure Of
approaches this with, Technology And The Survival Of
from what little I know about The Indian Nations".
it, most of the clearly Distributed by Sierra Club
stupid mistakes have been Books. (Richard Balcon quoted a
avoided, for example we don't big chunk of Chapter 3 on
use anything like "launch on sfraves in Oct, and it should be
warning", and we've thus far archived at hyperreal.com)
insisted on keeping human
beings in the loop on October of *what year*?
friend-or-foe identification I don't think the archives are
(the only reason jet fighters out there any more.
still have pilots is because My guess, 1993 (maybe 94?).
machines can't recognize the
enemy with any reliability).