December 17, 2006
I was saying in
"There's no way
for the flight
of fancy to
run aground."
Here the ship of metaphor would
appear to have run afoul of the Or perhaps it's not too big
murk from the mixture of two a stretch -- when reaching
streams of meaning. for the sky -- to talk about
planes as well as boats
"running aground"?
The doctrine is that one must
avoid "mixed metaphors" because
they're a sign of unclear thought.
Your cliches must be
compatible with each
other when converted Though no one really
into a mental image. does that unless they're
pedantically checking
for mixed metaphors.
The way I think it
I find that if I actually really works is that
make an effort to write a metaphor becomes
that way it seems like a cliche, then "an
a joke. expression" then just
another phrase.
It is, for example, no great
trick to string together The original imagery
nautical cliches for an drops away, leaving
entire paragraph -- it's a ghost of a
like doing a long series of connotation at most.
"cat" puns.
A quirk of derivation
(When you say for etymologists to
"string" as chuckle over.
opposed to
"series", If I cite DEAD_METAPHOR
are you Gernsback
necessarily as a source Linguistic
invoking a of SF, am I standards are often
physical mapping a argued for simply
image?) stream on the grounds that
through they are *a*
imaginary standard. Any
cities? standard at all can
facilitate wider
The obvious re-write: But then by
definition the
There's no way evolution of the
for the flight language will be
of fancy to ceded to its most
crash to earth. ignorant users.
This bothers me in some In linguistic usage,
way I have trouble change always bubbles
putting into words. up from below.
In the first version (Spraying from the
the figure of speech is carbon filter,
played with, in the tickling the
second it's taken angel fish,
seriously, it's no longer a burble of white
undermined... Words noise for when
under the TV has buzzed
siege. it's last.)