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                                        August 20, 2008

  Self-constricting processes.

  Endeavors doomed to fail by        Very similar to the
  their very nature.                 converse: the self-
                                     healing process.
  More precisely:
                                         After "Three Mile Island"
  Human endeavors doomed                 there could not be another
  to fail because of the                 "Three Mile Island", because
  nature of humanity.                    it immediately changed the
                                         attitudes of the plant
          There are other                operation staff, which was
          possible names                 the fundamental cause of the
          for this:                      problem.

          KNOTS              HUMAN_ERROR

                                          The alcoholic stupor
                                          that prevents
                                          immediate death by
                                          alcohol posioning.

                                                          A "safety feature"
                                                          that can be defeated
                                                          by fast guzzling.
