December 23, 2014
February 19, 2015
February 19, 2019
Once upon a time, I got into a fight with a
feminist internet brigade, and I got the sense
that there were a lot of corners of feminist My impression was that they
history that were falling down the memory were teenagers-- they
hole. tended to say things much
like "But my mom said--".
So I started piecing together my grand
history and critique of feminism...
I've got a bunch of notes in this
direction, but it's a tangled mess of
various side issues:
o There's all the defensive
butt-covering you might expect... (No, I'm not with incel/gamergate/etc,
no I don't think much of frat boy
o A difficult one-- in fact, maybe it culture, no, I am not actually
should be the primary lens for the interested in making excuses for
material-- is with the whole idea of rapists, and yes, accusations of same
"activism". With activists, the need to be investigated seriously...)
question of what is true is often
subservient to what's effective, and ASTERIX
effectiveness is, if anything,
harder to establish than truth, and
there's a constant suspicion that
activists play too loosely with
o the definition of what exactly you
mean by feminism. There are various
takes on it used at different times Then there's a rhetorical dodge
and places and by different people, popular with critics of feminism,
and many self-styled feminists are they use a label like "radical" or
very huffy about insisting on a "extreme", so no one can come back
particular definition (even if they "but not all!". This strikes me as
don't always use it themselves). at best intellectual lazy. You need
to *say* what exactly is radical or
I considered using the title extreme and ideally you should
"feminisms", and then noted that explain why those are bad.
some other people have already
gone there. Since it'S entirely Usually the labels
possible that there are multiple "radical" or "extreme" have
perceptions of the range of negative connotations, as
"feminisms", in order avoid opposed to, say, "serious"
horrible confusion I am using the or "mainstream".
phrase "multi-feminisms".
Though some actually might
But the original source material consider "extreme" or
I was writing is such an unwieldy "radical" as positive
mess, I'll probably never finish attributes...
it-- and if I did, what would I
do with it, publish it as a book? (I certainly would, provided
So instead let's raid it for bits it was a radical extreme that
that I can stick here for now-- actually worked.)