April 13, 2012

Consider what I would call one of the
major problems facing the United States:

   The President has no compunctions
   about assasination by executive order,
   no other branch of government is acting
   as a check on this behavior, and the
   vast majority of the American people
   don't appear to care.
   Question for Lessig:

       How would this problem be fixed
       by reforming campaign financing?      Well, maybe (just maybe):

                                                 With publically funded
  I think that this indicates                    elections, the usual
  that there's an even deeper                    hucksters would be less
  root to our problems.                          likely to get involved,
                                                 and we might get a more
     There's a sickness of                       idealistic, more
     the body politic, a lack                    intellectually engaged
     of understanding, or                        quality to our politicans.
     even a contempt for the
     principles that are
     supposed to underly a
     democratic republic.

        Were it not for this sickness, Lessig's
        campaign for campaign finance reform
        wouldn't be so necessary, and would be
        more likely to succeed.
