April 29, 2001
                                    Rev: November 12, 2004
Libertarians tend to
think of The Market
as a force of nature.

They think of "market forces"
as being the natural way of
the world, and take government    But much of the
"intervention" as artificial,     "rule of law"
and usually, if not always, it    required for       As is the defense of
is undesirable.                   markets to work    borders required for
                                  has clearly been   legal stability.
  "Let the Market                 a form of
  decide".                        government
But the market is just
us, it's just the sum
total of what we've all
decided to do                 Consider
                              "intellectual   Almost entirely
A democracy of sorts,         property".      a legal fabrication.
with votes weighted                           To the extent that
according to personal                         it exists at all.
wealth.                       Consider
                              land. Why does            Copyrights and
There's no reason to          any one person            patents are
assume that "the market"      "own" a plot of           more like
has decided correctly,        land, when if             temporary
and there's no reason         you trace it's            partial
to assume that the            history back              monopolies
choices we've made            far enough                granted by the
will stay the same.           you'll find a             government for
                              non-legal grab?           limited time
The decisions of                                        periods.
the market have
little moral                                                Not exactly
force behind                                                "property".
them... they are
not binding on                            PROPPED_UP
the future.

   You can't forestall
   discussion by just
   saying "let the market
   decide".  We are the                 Ronald Coase may have
   market, and the                      shown that efficiency
   discussion is part of                and fairness are
   how we decide.                       unconnected:

                                           For economic efficiency, it
                                           doesn't matter who originally
                                           owns a resource, since it will
                                           be traded to whoever needs it.

                                              But that by itself is never
The libertarian argument that                 going to be a satisfactory
individuals can and should be                 justification for any given
free to look out for their                    act of privatization.
own interests is fairly easy
to make.                                         ("Well *someone* has
                                                  to own it, why
The objectivist case that                         *shouldn't* the
individuals must restrict                         mayor sell it off
themselves to "self-interest"                     cheap to his friends?")
is much weaker

The people who claim to
believe in "selfishness"
as an ideal all seem to
envision a very
far-sighted kind of
selfishness and a very        E.g. parents
expansive definition of       protecting children
the self.                     gets regarded as
                              rather than some       KIDS
                              form of altruism.
Why the hostile attitude
toward consumer boycotts?

Even, if you're just
interested in quality of
goods, I would think it     This can actually
would make some sense to    be easier to
inquire about working       learn about than      Some aspects of
conditions, on the          product quality...    product quality
theory that happier                               require a long trial
employees will do a                               period to determine
better job.                                       directly. How do you
                                                  know about the
   Maybe calls for                                durability of a new
   boycott and protest                            product?
   are being ignored
   because of a feeling      One more time:         And even with an
   that "wolf" has been      a need for             established product,
   cried too many times?     independent,           how do you know that
                             objective              they haven't just
      But a lot of it has    review...              recently instituted
      to do with a desire                           cost-cutting
      for simplicity.                               measures that have
                                                    effected product
      It's hard to envision a                       quality?
      world where the ethical
      province of every dollar                      This is one of many
      you touch is kept track of.                   reasons "popularity"
                                                    is a poor guide to
                                                    product quality: even
                                                    if it *once* was a
                                                    good product, all may
                                                    have changed except
                                                    the label.
          Hard, but not quite

                The Roman proverb goes:
                "Money doesn't stink"

                    Can we design a money
                    that holds odors?
