March 7, 2003
                                                  Add:   July 27, 2008
I lean strongly toward environmental    
determinism, though that's largely a     When E. O. Wilson hit the scene back
result of my upbringing.                 in the 70s with claims of founding a
                                         new field called "sociobiology", the
When I was a teenager                    popular accounts I read of this
environmental determinism was            material gave me the impression that
all the rage, and the genetic            it was nonsense.
determinists were tarred
darkly with the racist brush.                       Looking back on it, I
                                                    no longer trust that
My high school social psych                         impression... when you
teacher insisted human                              get any where near
beings had no identifiable                          talking about this
biological instincts, with                          subject, the discussion
one exception: sucking in                           gets so politicized
infants.                                            that it's difficult to
                                                    get the truth.
Currently, people seem
to *love* biological                                     Consider Dawkins...
explanations for behavior.
                                Not long ago,              Dawkins fans like
Myself, I make no               there was a                to quote Dawkins
claims to a deep                cliche popular             to his critics
knowledge of the                among movie                without revealing
current state of                reviewers:                 the source.
the evidence in the             describing
nature-nurture                  an actress as                 The critics are
debate.                         "hormonally                   generally
                                charged".                     surprised to
                                                              find that they
But if it's really                Standards of physical       agree.
true that there's all             beauty have changed
this great evidence               much too rapidly to
for the "nature"                  be explained by any
side, then I was sold             kind of biological
a bill-of-goods by                evolution, and they
seventies pop-science.            vary considerably
                                  from culture to
   And if seventies               culture, but these
   pop-science led me             two pieces of
   astray, it could be            information will
   the current state of           *not* sink into the
   the art has similar            popular consciousness.
   problems, eh?
                                     The older cliche was to
                                     call actresses "sex

                                       More accurate, I think.
If you're going to talk
about biologically
determined aspects of human
behavior, in order to have
any hope of making any sense
you have to limit your
claims to the inheritance of
fairly subtle, complex
attributes.                       (or less charitably:
                                  "vague and ill-defined
We don't inherit a quality,
we inherit a capacity for a
quality.  We don't have
determined behavior, we have
tendencies toward certain
types of behavior.

I was reading a recent article in "Science News" that
mentioned in passing that there were a number of twin
studies that showed inherited capacity for intelligence.

My first thought: "Whoa, they've
got twin studies data now?  That
pretty much settles it."

My second thought: "What if a
bunch of the women putting twins
up for adoption have also been
doing drugs with an adverse
affect on fetal development?                                 (July 27, 2008)
These twin studies could really        Twins don't just
be measuring an inherited              share genetics,       Ah: they claim
stupidity, and not a genetically       they share a womb.    they've got a
inherited one at that."                How is it possible    statistical
                                       to rule out           difference
     I would actually                  "developmental"       between
     need to look at                   explanations?         fraternal and
     the details of                                          genetic twins.
     these twin studies.
                                                             My theory can
          You can't trust second                             still be rescued
          hand information in this                           by positing a
          field at all...                                    side-effect of a
                                                             popular drug
                                                             that encourages
                                                             the formation of
                                                             genetic twins.
             (December 14-17, 2002)
                                                             (Though before
If you happen to be a scientist                              you go that far,
with an interest in investigating                            it would be a
the biological component of human                            good idea to
behavior, I certainly hope you get                           review the claims
your AAAS grant, but it often                                of "statistical
strikes me that people exaggerate                            significance" and
how important the issue is.                                  examine how they
                                                             claim to have
Some people want it                                          measured
to be "nurture"                                              "intelligence".)
because that
supposedly makes
human nature more
flexible... but
does it really?

    From a practical point of
    view you're stuck with
    whatever nurture you've
    got, and changing it just   The nurture of the
    isn't that easy.            current generation
                                may have determined     Consider the problem
                                the way the next        you have if you've
On the other hand,              generation will be      decided that all
some people want it             nurtured.               you need to do to fix
to be "nature",                                         some social problem
because that means                                      is to change the
that it's fixed,                                        way children are raised.
and out of our                                          
control.                                                All you have to 
                                                        do is engage in    
But even if there                                       a massive public   
is a strong                                             education           
"nature" component                                      campaign,       
to human behavior,                                      convincing all  
it's pretty                     (And if it turns        the parents that  
clearly not as                  out that you didn't     they don't know     
tightly wired and               *really* know           what they're       
rigid as say, bird              better, then you        doing, and that 
nest-building                   start over and try      you know better.   
behavior.                       again, right?)                              
To paraphrase                                         
Richard Dawkins:                              Just because a cultural
"Anyone who is                                trait is "environmentally
capable of using a                            determined" is no reason to
condom is capable                             presume it's going to be
of going against                              easy to change.
the will of their

   If it were demonstrated that
   men are biologically inclined
   to violence, would that mean
   we should pre-emptively throw
   all of them in jail?                       Any way you look at it,
                                              re-engineering humanity
     Or would you be inclined                 is a nasty problem...
     to something more like
     the notion that we need                     Nature is not destiny,
     to learn to rise above                      nurture is not freedom.
     our natural tendencies?
