September 15, 2008
March 21, 2009
Looking at the present-day
state-of-the-web I see many
failures of nerve.
Slashdot was on the verge
of becoming a major force
in the world, but instead
they copped-out and chose "Why are you guys so excited
to remain a web-toy. about your karma? It's just
funny money! Lighten up."
They had an *army of geeks*
at their disposal, willing
to jump through hoops to get
something from them that
doesn't cost them anything,
and they essentially
flinched, and shrugged off
the problem of becoming a
reputation server.
Then there's the case
of wikipedia and the
decision to tag links NOFOLLOW
with "nofollow".
Google uses links to rank the
importance of a site (or at Google doesn't
least they used to), and the really tell us
most important repository of what it is they
links, at present, is wikipedia. do -- but it's
hard to see how
SEO scum interested in gaming they could
the system were spaming the links possibly still
of wikipedia pages, and wikipedia be relying
chose to remove their incentive -- quite so much
by opting out of the process. on simply using
links as votes.
If that kind of reasoning continues,
wikipedia is bound to receed to
a very marginal role: when information
becomes important, someone will want
to subvert it:
Is wikipedia's only answer to try to
keep the information unimportant?
(Sept 16, 2013)
This is an admission that wikipedia has
no defense against motivated subversion. And consider Jimbo Wales
reaction to the problem or
They want to be the repository of all "original research": we are not
human knowledge, but if they become well equipped to evaluate this
important, the more visible they material, therefore, we should
become, the more incentive their is prohibit it.
to game the system...
Another way you might
The more succesful wikipedia is, react: "How can we get
the less succesful it can be. better equipped"?
Or: if we're not equipped
for this, who is?
Yes, we all know about
"worse is better" and the
problems with excessive
The web has succeeded
where Xanadu failed
in part because of a
pragmatic character,
a willingness to be
sloppy, to be minimal.
At some point, we're going to
need some really *good* way Not just up-to-the-
of amplifying our collective minute triva feeds
intelligence. and dancing kitten
Is there no one left who
wants to implement a Xanadu?