August 9, 2010
Dorothy Sayers "Nine Taylors" (1934)
A mystery novel whose primary focus
is a church out in the East Anglican
Much of it is taken up with minutiae
about the British art of bell ringing. "Bell ringing", if you'd
And as one might expect of a "mystery never thought about
novel", this minutiae is worked into it, is a *really*
a plot about stolen jewels, secret peculiar form of
codes, violent death... music, obsessed with
playing different
But the obsession goes far beyond permutations,
that, with quotations from medieval ringing the bells
bell ringing literature scattered in different orders
through-out the book. ("ringing changes").
And the obession goes beyond In other words, they
bell ringing: at one point the try to play very long
characters literally spend melodic lines without
pages discussing floral repetition.
arrangements. And no, there
are no herrings concealed But that isn't the
amongst the lilacs. only musical value
involved, there are
This degree of self-indulgence many schemes for
is too extreme to complain about, ordering these
it's almost awe-inspiring. How permutations...
was this book ever published?
Could it ever get passed an editor
in today's world? I can only infer that
Dorothy Sayers was
And complaining about it well-established
misses the point: this is before writing this
a classic example of book... but it's not
foreground/background one of the late
inversion. period ones (those
are easily spotted,
This is a phenomena because she she
often observed in started writing
science fiction, herself into them,
but clearly not under the name of
confined to it. "Vane").
As the Toadkeeper put it:
"The things that make a story
work are not always what the
story is about."
A nit to pick: the main
characters are strangely
ignorant of details of their
world that would surely be on
their minds. Rather than
bringing the readers into the
world of the novel, the
characters have been pushed out
slightly into the world of the
readers, so that along with us,
they can be surprised by a
discovery that would've been
relatively obvious to them.