June 22, 2008
The United States is not UNSPOKEN
at war with Islam.
Got that? The World Trade Center indeed
was attacked by some folks
from the middle east (largely
from Saudi Arabia), and they
were indeed associated with an
This is so obvious -- to Islamic organization (an
some -- that I fear it's extreme sect associated with
never said to those who the Sunnis).
might need to hear it.
Their primary motivation
You will hear Democrats assert that had to do with US forces
Obama is in fact a Christian, but based in Saudi Arabia.
none will mention that there's no Their concept was not
reason a US president shouldn't be a "death to the unbelievers",
Muslim -- except for the unreasoning or even "death to the
bigotry of a faction large enough supporters of Israel"
that we're afraid to challenge or some such.
it... and so the faction can grow
without check.
The US military actions
The winning formula for in Iraq make no sense as
centuries has been religious a response to the WTC
tolerance -- and a hard-won bit attack. We went into
of knowledge it was for Western the wrong country, to
culture to achieve. Most of us fight people who had
regard it as a Good Thing that nothing to do with the
Protestants and Catholics are no attack. And we favor
longer burning each other at the Sunnis there rather than
stake, and no one with any sense Shites.
thinks it's a good idea to go
off shedding blood on spurious WHOS_WE
Crusades in the Middle East.
And there are Islamic
nations that have
Except of course for even less to do with
our sort-of elected mideastern politics
leader: (India, Indonesia).
"This crusade, this war Whatever it is
on terrorism is going that's really
to take a while." happening,
it is not
Sept 21, 2001 the Chrisitians
against the
Even just on the level of
religious doctrine:
Christians believe
Christ was the Greatest.
Muslims believe
Christ was Great.
You'd think we might find
a way to live with this