September 25, 2019
On nuclear power, an area where many a
presidential candidate has it wrong in my
opinion, the wrongest of the bunch is
Bernie Sanders.
His policy statement calls for a moratorium
on nuclear plant license *renewals*: he
really wants to shut 'em all down. WRONG_TO_THE_CORE
I really like Bernie Sanders, I like
what he's done for US politics, but on
this one though he's so wrong he
has me wondering about him, and looking
for other options.
When it was pointed out to him that
New Hampshire's carbon footprint went
up when they closed the Vermont
Yankee plant, he responded curtly
"I don't believe that."
But you know, data and studies and
all that right? We like that
scientific stuff, don't we?
Denialism doesn't get any prettier
when it comes from the left.
There's a standard "moderate" criticism of Bernie
Sanders that essentially accuses him of being an
inflexible fanatic that doesn't understand how to
use political compromise to get things done...
I've always been pretty skeptical of that one:
it seems to me that someone who's survived in
the Senate for decades and has a reputation as
"the Amendment King" probably knows something
about pragmatic compromise.
This one has the alarm bells ringing though--
it's a holdover of the bad craziness the left
seemed afflicted with in the 70s. He's going
for broke to win a tribal battle, without
regard for reason or consequences...
I'm currently thinking about
switching to Elizabeth Elizabeth Warren's on-line
Warren... she's also anti-nuclear, policy says nothing at all
but somewhat less deranged about about nuclear power, though
it. My impression of her is she's there's one occasion where
someone capable of listening to she asserted there will be
reason and revising her opinions-- no new nukes built when
e.g. she started out as a she's president.
Republican a few decades back.
She's in favor of the
I am politely (okay, I'm "Green New Deal", which in
lying) ignoring Joe Biden, itself ambiguous about
who is pro-nuclear, but whether nuclear power is
isn't really a serious green. There are a few
candidate-- we can only hope places where Warren says
the Democratic primary "renewable" when she
voters notice this soon. should've said "clean".
Biden's policy statement In any case, there's a
calls for research into huge difference between
new nuclear power designs. "no new" and "shut down
the old".
As of this writing, there
are some other half-way
reasonable more-or-less
pro-nuclear candidates--
notably, Buttigieg and
Booker-- but they're on
the death watch list, or
close to it.