June 12, 2006
One of the many typical low-level
problems for me: I've got
instrumental music I want to
play, and yet I also want to
focus on some lyrical material, Another problem:
with more definite meaning. doing thematic
transitions between
A simple solution: lead off each set tracks that don't
with an instrumental piece, then go match musically.
into the lyrical music.
One simple fix is
The first track sets the mood, to blend one or both
the later tracks deliver the with some other
message; a progression from sound to change
vague to definite. it's tone.
jazz + noise = noise
country + noise = noise
+ noise
"Noise begets noise."
-- Red West,
Tue Jun 13 12:03:46 2006
But contrarily:
It's a little too easy to
overdo the noise, to BRIGHT_GRAY
drown the sound in that
gray muddy swirl.
In the last show that I did,
I found that Country/Bluegrass
was really good for punching
through the gray; that clean,
high banjo picking really And the humor value is not
surges up out of the murk unappreciated either...
to give it an identifiable though it's a pretty obvious
sound again kind of humor (that shock of
contrasts again).
Often I add noise to tone down
the slick, trite quality of
a piece...
But sometimes it's useful to
add something back in that
can counter the noise.