May 1, 2006

I found myself wondering why
Walter Spies had moved to Bali.               PITA_MAHA

Could it be that he was trying to
be Gaugin?  (Gaugin worked much
earlier, but as I understand it
his fame didn't really click until
1930 or so, so the dates seemed
about right.)

I found one good reference       
on Walter Spies, and I               "Walter Spies and Balinese Art" (1980)
started skimming through the         by Hans Rhodius and John Darling
lead biographical essay...           Edited by John Stowell
                                     Published: Terra, Zutphen
Ah, so I see the critical            "under the auspices of the
point was a chance meeting           Topical Museum Amsterdam"
with a Dutch couple...               ISBN nr. 90.6255.079.7
Spies was traveling with a      
friend, met these Dutch                 (This claims to be the
folks, and they got him some            first English language
exhibitions in Amsterdam,               study of Walter Spies)
and from there he went to       
Java and later Bali.            
Java/Bali were Dutch        
possessions at the time.

So it was more of a                  Also, as "German" people
colonial connection                  go, Spies' nationality was
than any kind of                     more of a technicality
romantic imitation of                than anything else.
Gaugin's example.
                                        He was born in Moscow to
   But there was something              a family in diplomatic
   funny about the wording              service, then he spent a
   of this bio, it seemed to            loose internment in the
   be retreating into empty             Urals during WWI where he
   poetry at the point of               had his first taste of
   decision: "his apartment             ethnographic study...
   in Berlin had become like
   a guilded cage to him".                 A better question
                                           might be "Why did
   I looked at the events                  he go to Berlin
   more closely... As I                    in the first place?"
   said, he was indeed
   "traveling with a
   friend", but really
   this was a trip to a
   "sanatorium" while his
   roomate Murnau was
   "recovering from an

  Already a suspicious mind might wonder
  if there was some other reason to be in
  this "sanatorium"...

  And there was something funny going
  on with Murnau when Spies told him
  where he was going.  Murnau was very
  upset and needed to be calmed down
  by some third parties --

      Oh.  Wait a minute.
      "Was Walter Spies Gay?", I asked
      Sika, the friend in Bali we were                                   
      staying with.                           And indeed, later in the bio     
                                              I was reading, they mention      
      "Yes" he said immediately.              that at one point the dutch      
      A number of the "Pita Maha"             authorities went beserk          
      people were gay.  And Sika              about homosexuality and          
      went on to explain that when            arrested Spies for a time.       
      he was a boy he was scared                                               
      to go over there.  He didn't                  Funny, even at that        
      like the "man touching boy"                   point the article         
      business.                                     isn't quite willing     
                                                    to admit that he was    
          So anyway, that's the                     gay...  and it was      
          answer: Walter Spies ran                  written in 1980.        
          off to Java-- and founded                                         
          a new arts scene-- to                                             
          escape a clingy, mondo                                            
          depresso boyfriend by the                                         
          name of Murnau.                                                   
             The bio hints later that                                    
             Murnau did something or other     
             with film -- he was living in     
             Hollywood when he died in a       
             car accident "on the way to       
             his latest premiere".             
                   So what did Murnau   
                   do exactly?

                   Oh, he was a director.

                   He directed
                                               Walter Spies was on       
                   (Released: 1922)            the set during the        
                                               filming of Nosferatu!     
                                               While he was not listed     
                                               in the credits, it would    
                                               not be a huge surprise      
                                               if he helped with set       
                                               painting, or some such.     

                      Murnau's last film was
                      "Tabu: A Story of the South Seas"
                      (1931), which opened shortly
                      after his death.
