January 5, 2007
It's a point often bemoaned by
political scientists (though not
terribly well-publicized for *some*
reason): they can't really explain
why anyone bothers to vote.
Does it make any difference
at all if you go to the polls
on election day?
The only time it would matter is if
the rest of the votes just happened That's with the
to split 50-50, and your own vote winner-take-all Systems with
decided the issue. design of a typical proportional
American election. representation
The odds of that happening have a different
are so astoundingly low, it's dynamic, but I
difficult to imagine how any don't think the
other use of your time would problem goes away.
not be more sensible.
And on top of that So you know all of those
you need to add editorials, bemoaning the
in the uncertainty low voter turnout in the US?
that you actually
understand what's Every one of them is
going on well enough essentially bullshit.
that your deciding
vote would be the The real question is
correct one. why would anyone do
something so quixotic
as voting.
Myself, I can usually manage to avoid
this pit of rational actor futility A popular line
with a few simple rationalizations would be: "but
(voting is fun: I drop by a public if *everyone* did
building I don't normally enter, that than the
say hello to the poll watchers, election would
examine the election machinery be decided by
in use, check out the other people a tiny group of
who have been presuaded to vote, people, and almost
and so on). by definition,
the stupidiest
ones that don't
grasp the game
What's worse though is the theory".
knowledge that I'm too far
off the center for anyone I'm not going to
in politics to care what bother to argue
I think. against that (at
the moment), but
Tomorrow morning I'm going to I suspect that
get up and run off to join a it doesn't really
flash mob of thousands of hold up that well.
people spelling out "Impeach!"
on the beach, for the benefit
of some helicopter photo ops.
But who the hell is going
to care? A bunch of people (And the SF electorate -- as
in SF want to see Bush well as Berkeley -- has already
impeached? Well duh. approved an initiative calling
for impeachment. Pelosi knows
I can write all the her constituency wants him out.)
letters to Nancy Pelosi I
want -- but why should she "But we don't have
pay attention to me? the votes!"
Who am I going to vote for? But then, she didn't
Some Bush-league Republican? try to get them.