December 15, 2005
In the current
of anti-sex
there are
some common
One is the tendency to
deny the experience of
others. You find a I came across the
handful of people who heartfelt (heart-leading)
claim porn has warped testimony of one
their brains, ruined later-day male feminist SCREAMED_WITH_JOY
their lives, etc., who evidentally has an
and insist that anyone interesting dynamic
who claims they can going with his
deal with it without audience. He talks
descent into addiction about how icky porn
must be delusional. is, and how it shows
that men's brains are
clearly warped because
they fantasize about
absurd things like
women who like anal
sex... with that kind
of slant on things,
he never hears from
any women except for
the ones who agree
with him.
We are not (yet?)
living an an era where
you can expect a
woman to raise her
hand and announce
"But sometimes I
*like* anal sex!"
Then there's that interesting
"no backs" maneuver:
"Some will be inclined to reject
what we're saying because they're The right answer is
sick and twisted raging porn something like:
freaks." "Yes, that's right.
But why shouldn't I
be a porn freak?"