November 5, 2009
Someone like myself who is into hardcore SM
(that is, scientific materialism) finds it
easy to sneer at Christians in general, but
it's worth remembering that there are These reasonable Christians
Christians out there that don't fit our are easy to forget about,
usual stereotype very well. because of the loud (and
rather ignorant, viscious
There is, for example, Larry Wall, the and crazy) "fundamentalists"...
creator of Perl, one of the world's great
free/open software projects.
Someone who has truly "cast his
bread upon the waters".
He's not a cross waving Christian,
nor is he in the closet about it...
he's just someone who walks the You might be tempted
walk without making a big deal out to blame the
of it. reasonable ones for
not making any effort
to keep Their Own
under control... but
remember the history
of religious
internecine fighting.
There are reasons
the Reasonable are
inclinced to keep
quiet, and let
people find their
own way.
And so the discourse
tends to be dominated
by the unreasonable.