December 02, 2012
August 26, 2013
November 29, 2018
For many years, we've made do with
social centers disguised as market
places... the rise of the internet-as-
market undermines this.
Many things that we do have an
ostensible purpose, plus some
secondary ones that are supposed
to be by-products, but the
secondary ones are often more The one remaining
prominent than we give them exception seems to
credit. "Going shopping", is be restaurants.
supposed to be about acquiring Going out to eat
stuff, but really it's about together is clearly
getting out into public, more social than not,
engaging (in a low-key, but the need to eat
unchallenging way) with some of provides a tiny bit
your fellow humans. of cover...
Instead of activities whose
real point is what's supposed
to be a serendipitous by-product,
we have to admit to ourselves
what we're really after, and
take active steps to arrange it.
This is a change we may
complain about, but it's
not an unmixed curse.
December 02, 2012
With the inevitable death of the brick-and-mortar
bookstore, anti-social intellectuals will need
new excuses (stand-ins?) for social interaction. April 13, 2013
We're going to see the My sister has started
return of clubs, salons, a history reading
and so on, and to some group via "meetup".
extent I think we are. She has to schedule
multiple gatherings
on a weekend to keep
from turning people