November 12, 2017
Some paradoxes of parody
(1) parody is about revealing a hidden
absurdity, typically through
exaggeration, but exaggerating
everything that is bad about the On the plus side, it
original may not work: you can end sends a clear "this is
up with something too bad to be not serious" signal,
believed, or worse too bad to be which many people may need.
funny, perhaps too bad to stand.
(2) parody presumes a familiarity with
the original, but actually a large
portion of the audience may not be To this day, there are
that familiar: they may be learning many movies I know of
about the original from the parody. only from reading the
Mad Magazine version.
It's best if there's something
there that works even to someone
who does not know the original, As a young teenager, I liked
even if only a vague sense of Shaw's Pygmalion quite a bit,
absurdity. but had no idea it was
intended as a social satire.
(3) The parodist works by creating a mutated
version of an original, by identifying motifs
and varying them, changing certain elements--
but this is very similar to the process of
creation of an "original" genre work, where
creativity often follows an evolutionary path.
The difference is entirely a matter of
attitudes, an intention to treat the material
seriously or sarcastically and the audience may
very well be blind to these intentions. The
attempt at creating a "light-hearted" parody
may just soften the edges of the original,
creating something treated as perhaps idealized (cf. "The Avengers")
or romanticized but still taken seriously.
Parody is an act of criticism,
an attempt at standing above.
The question might be asked,
"what are you standing *on*?"
If there is something in the world deserving of parody,
is there something else that doesn't? What is it?
Why aren't you working on that?