May 12, 2022
Some factoids courtesy of pewresearch:
It's seems like just yesterday everyone
It's always a good idea was acting like anyone who was anybody
to check fad-hype was mobile, when usage was still only
against reality, but... around half.
As of the 2020s,
mobile phone use
in the US is up
at 97%, and smart And the connection between this
phones are 85%. and the collapse of democracy
is no doubt merely coincidental.
That went from
35% to 85% KEYS_ABIDE
in ~10 years.
That rapid increase might
not seem surprising, but
back in 2011 many people
were acting like we were Sometimes, perception becomes
already up at that level. reality and a delusion turns
And many people
these days act like But then other times, the
the figure is 100%. perception hardens in place,
divorced from reality; the
delusion becomes a permanent
condition that blocks any
This is a pretty funny:
Trevor Wheelwright, January 24, 2022:
"In the US, up to 47% of us would say we're 'addicted' to
our cell phones-- it's no wonder with a dazzling array of
unlimited data plans and new smartphones every year."
It seems like everyone is into heroin these days,
and no wonder, modern heroin is so *pure*.
It's an old observation but when
everything you hear comes form
"free media" that gets by by
pushing consumer crap, you're not
going to see much "news" that's
critical of consumer crap.
"Now, we’re not saying you should
stop endlessly scrolling, but..."
Of course not.