July    21, 2010
                                             October 11, 2013

   A fantasy for a ballot initiative:
   anything sold in California shall
   have the location of it's parent        The idea is to have tighter rules
   company, and the location(s) of         than the feds: "Made in the USA"
   manufacture clearly indicated,          doesn't mean much any more.
   preferably in or near the primary
   label of the name of the product.                    WHERE_AMERICA

       I'm particularly interested in forcing
       the "San Francisco Chronicle" and the       A related -- and probably
       "SF Weekly" to point out that they're       less practical -- notion:
       not based in San Francisco.
                                                   The city of San Francisco
       Who could object to such an obvious         should trademark it's
       truth-in-advertising law?                   name, and regulate who
                                                   is allowed to use it.

                                      Life is so much
                                      more fun when you
                                      stop being a

                                            No wonder nearly everyone
                                            who claims to be a free
                                            marketeer is a complete
