May 12, 2023

                                                       A discourse on things
Many a year a go I standardized on wearing             I doubt you care about.
combat pants aka cargo pants aka six-pocket
pants (though mine typically have more than six).            (That could be the
                                                             sub-title for this
So on the side of my right leg, there's always               whole project.)
a pocket notebook and a pen.

  The pen is always a medium-point black Bic pen,
  with the clear hexagonal case they now like to      This is essentially
  call "crystal" (or worse, "cristal"-- christal?).   a family standard,
                                                      inherited from my
  The notebook is typically (though not always)       older brothers.
  something like a Moleskine, always a bound
  at the back like a book.                                  TOADKEEPER

     I went through a phase as a teenager
     of using spiral pocket notebooks          The book-bindings *do* have a
     with the binding at the top.              disadvantage: writing on the
     It's annoying when the metal spirals      facing page, running my hand into
     get chrunched, though.                    the binding is an issue: either
                                               you write sloppier, or leave a
                                               huge right margin... or you
                                               turn the book sideways at least
                                               when writing on the facing page,
                                               which I do frequently.

  It's okay if the pages are unlined (artist-style),
  but I much prefer quadrille "graph paper".  I've
  developed a strong aversion to horizontally lined
  paper: the lines are invariably too bold and spaced
  too widely. Apparently I write smaller than most.

     I've got a number of rituals (standard practices?)
     involving the Changing of the Notebook when one is
     filled-up and it's time to roll out the next one.

     Typically, I do something to decorate the front of
     the book-- e.g. slap a sticker on it-- so that it     I don't usually
     can be visually distinguished in my poorly            decorate the cover
     organized piles of old notebooks.                     earlier than this,
                                                           because the
     After the fact-- if I ever get around to typing       decorations get
     up some of the notes, which I do less often           chewed up after
     than I'd like-- I refer to them by describing         spending months
     the cover decorations: this becomes the defacto       banging around on
     "name" for the book.                                  the side of my leg.

               "the rainbow pluto notebook".
               "green floral notebook"
               "green-gray cassette"
               "blue splatt"
               "snake oil notebook"
               "green paisley notebook"
