December 19, 2006
January 6, 2007
There's a problem
with the "personal
odyssey" approach:
Why the hell should you care?
What am I to you?
Exhibit A:
Aquarius Records reviews:
"Back in 1995, I said that
this band would never get
past the mediocre stage, then
in their later 90s period it
seemed to me that they were
getting a little better, but
then I realized that I liked
their earlier work a little
better now, so it could be in
reviewing this present work
I'm really reviewing my
present musical attitudes --" But what does the
fucking record sound
like already?
Probably the right thing
to do is to always write
in the present mode, and Then add an appendix
assume the reader knows comparing what you're
nothing about you. saying now to things
you've said before --
The trick is to
avoid convoluted
excuses that no
one cares about.
If you think that the
apparent contradictions
are just that, you could
just say so without