November 17, 2010

  Musing upon the failing of Prop 19,
  which would have legalized marijuana
  in California.

  This recieved a mere 40% of the vote.
                                                                 (Sep 04, 2013)
  It would've been more, but the stoners
  and suppliers are happy with the current        Myself, I tend to think it
  arrangements.                                   probably should be legalized,
                                                  by I also want second-hand
  They abuse the medical marijuana                smoke laws from hell.
  provisions to an extent undreamed of by
  even a conservative talk show host, and               I suggest public
  worry about making the dope biz into big              subsidy for
  business.  If it goes corporate, the                  vaporizers plus
  various small-to-medium scale operations              jail time if you
  up in Marin will collapse (along with, it             ever jam your
  is feared, real estate prices).                       cool-daddio reek up
                                                        my nose ever again.
  There is also, no doubt, the usual
  problem with people liking illegal                        FALSE_CENTER
  drugs *becuase* they're illegal, that
  makes them sexier, more romantic.

  Cheap rebellion and pre-packaged
  individuality for sale.

It's an interesting thought that among
some significant chunk of the population,
large corporations are loathed so much
that their entry into a new market is
actively feared by the customers they'd
supposedly be benefiting with their cheap            the economic lizard
and efficient "economies of scale'.
                                                     economies of justice

  Consider the fact that a company of the
  scale of a Starbucks might choose to run
  an downtown outlet at a loss, in order to
  "maintain a presence" in a major city.

  How does that differ from a foreign
  country dumping a product below cost?
