June 18, 1992

These were the superficial trappings of punk:
Fast, noisy, music, ripped t-shirts, safety pins,        Richard Hell
sometimes worn as crude self-destructive piercings.      says that the
A nasty, rude, obnoxious attitude.                       idea was it was
                                                         supposed to be
                                    NEOPUNK              cheap, a game
                                                         anyone could play.
                        A freind of mine described       As opposed to
                        one her boyfriends as            the expensive
                        being a "real Punk".  He         outfits sported
                        refused to say "hello" to        at 70s Discos.
                        anyone, "Because he
                        thought it was bullshit."                    By this
                                                                     you could
But what's the essence of the punk esthetic?                         that
A big part of   There's an        The punk                           jackets
punk is being   early Melody      factions of the                    are not
willing to      Maker Patti       Havering seem                      punk.
look closely    Smith             to think that
at the things   interview         a crucial                          FASHION
that other      where she         element is
people think    argues that       political and                  Not that
are ugly and    technical         social                         this is any
turn away       virtuosity is     commentary, as                 news to todays
from as         irrelevant in     compared to the                flannel suited
quickly as      the face of       endless, vapid                 grunge punks.
possible.       true passion.     pop songs about
                                  "relationships".            But back in
                                                              the early 80s
                                                              black leather
                                                              and black
                                                              stuff in
                                                              general with

                                                           There wasn't
                                                           any separate
                                                           subculture yet,
                                                           nor was there
                                                           much like an
                                                           S&M chic.

         A complaint I heard:
         "Punk just seems
         like an excuse for    WORD
         ugly people to look
         ugly."                        PLEASE_KILL_ME

         I would say: It's about people
         who have been condemned as
         being ugly, refusing to crawl
         into a corner and hide.


One punk I                                               Once, in
knew used      (We all called                            the streets
to hang        him "Existential                          of Manhattan,
around the     Death and                                 I saw a guy
student        Decay", I dunno                           in standard
union          what he called                            black punk garb
listening      himself.  Ask                             walking with
to the         the Birdman                               an extremely
static         sometime if you                           obese woman
between        see him.)                                 dressed in
stations                                                 a tight,
on his                                                   white leotard.
box: "It's                                               You could see
the best                                                 every little
thing on."                                               quiver of her
                                                         fat as she
So by a
certain                                                  Certainly not
logic,                                                   pretty... but
maybe                                                    fascinating:
annoying                                                 how could you
TV commecial                                             not look?
jingles         A punk => kitsch
have a          connection?
                                                        (Feb 2009)

                                     "I think the history of art is
                                     simply the history of getting
                                     rid of the ugly by entering
                                     into it and using it."

                                           -- John Cage, 1977,
                                              interviewed by
                                              Richard Kostelanetz,
                                              "Conversations With Cage"
