December 12, 2004
Rev: February 4, 2005
H. Rider Haggard
"King Solomon's Mines" (1885) Why didn't I read "She"?
[ref] I've been meaning to read
that one since 1990 or so...
Not a terribly I tried doing a
impressive book. Haggard's first printout of "She"
novel, the first via gutenberg.org
of 14 about Allan and renewed my
A troupe of Quartermain. appreciation of
cardboard characters the bookmaker's art.
(less memorable even
than Doc Savage's
henchmen) goes off Reading about
on a quest to turn Quartermain was a
up a lost whim influenced by
civiliation, a lost fact that he was
treasure, and a lost pressed into service
treasure hunter (not in the "League of
necessarily in that Extraordinary
order). Gentlemen".
Lots of action, but with But I was
very little sense of unimpressed by (Though actually:
reality, not even that the comic, and starting wtih
weird fictional haven't seen the vol. 1 of the
quasi-reality where film. So? collected graphic
exaggerated behavior is novels, I like it
accepted and certain much more.)
improbabilities expected
by convention. NAUGHT_SEVEN
One detail I like:
Our heroes make their
way into the lost land
following a route that
almost kills them,
across a desert and
over a mountain range; This "oh, you mean we
but on their way home didn't have to that?"
they're directed to turn of events I find
take a much easier quite believable...
route, around the
mountains and through The isolated land isn't
a desert oasis. really all that
isolated, and if you're
daring to risk all
you're probably working
too hard.