April 26, 2010
October 16, 2013
I just woke from a dream earlier this evening,
where I was lecturing at the dinner table about
how my habit of reading might not actually have
all that much point to it.
I had started out talking about grim crime
novels, and was planning on talking about
"uplifting" fiction, making the general point
that there's no reason to assume any of this
is really time efficient.
What do you learn from them?
What about them makes your life
better, than say, a few hours of
bike riding or rock climbing?
I was primarily talking about fiction here,
but is it only true of fiction?
But I don't really *believe*
there's no point to reading
So what is the point?
Where would a dream like
this come from?
I have also found myself
dreaming about reading...
it's not unusual with me for
a sequence of dream actions
turns into me dreaming that
I'm reading about the action.